Friday, April 19, 2019

Free Drawing & Quiz Competition

Free Drawing & Quiz Competition

Registration is compulsory...
Registration Link -

For more details contact @ 9820533840 / 7718889907

Monday, April 15, 2019

MS Word SHortcut KEYS

CTRL + A = Select all text in the current window

CTRL + B = Turns selected text to bold

CTRL + C = Used to copy the selected text

CTRL + D = To open Font Formatting window

CTRL + E = Align text in the center

CTRL + F = Used to find word/Phrase

CTRL + G = Used to go to specific page or book mark

CTRL + H = Replace current text with desire text

CTRL + I = Turns selected text to Italic

CTRL + J = Used to Justify the selected text

CTRL + K = To open Insert hyperlink window

CTRL + L = Align text in the Left

CTRL + M = Indent a paragraph from the left 

CTRL + N = Used to open a NEW word document

CTRL + O = Used to open an Existing word document

CTRL + P = Used to print word document

CTRL + Q = Used to Remove paragraph formatting

CTRL + R = Align text in the Right

CTRL + S = Used to save the word document

CTRL + T = Used to create a hanging indent

CTRL + U = Used to underline the selected text

CTRL + V = Used to PASTE the copied text

CTRL + W = Used to close the word document

CTRL + X = Used to CUT the selected text

CTRL + Y = REDO an action previously undone or Repeat an action

CTRL + Z = Used to UNDO the last action

For more tricks and Tips please

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+91-9820533840 / 7718889907